American Policy toward Korea: A Comparison between the Two Korean Nuclear Crises
作者:樊吉社 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
American Policy toward Korea: A Comparison between the Two Korean Nuclear Crises (Fan Jishe) Within the two 8year terms of Presidents Clinton and Bush, the crisis of nuclear proliferation, caused by North Koreas attempt to develop nuclear capabilities, went through two stages. Judging from the course of development of the Korean nuclear crisis, the negotiation and consultation aimed at defusing the crisis, and the consequences after each stage, the handling of the issue by the Clinton administration was relatively successful, while the handling by the Bush administration was a failure. After years of dragging, the Korean nuclear crisis remains unsolved, and the content and extension of the issue have undergone significant changes. The success and failure of U.S. policy in dealing with the two crises have provided experiences and lessons for future solution of the Korean nuclear crisis.

中国社科院美国研究所 版权所有@2010 京ICP备05036911号