The Evolution of American Employment Policy of the Handicapped
作者:杨伟国、陈玉杰 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
The Evolution of American Employment Policy of the Handicapped(Yang Weiguo and Chen Yujie) The employment policy of the handicapped in the United States has gone through several stages in the past century: the stage of guarantee of survival with medical treatment as the main feature; the social integration stage with the strenthening of professional recuperation and construction of infrastructure as the main feature; the right extension stage with eliminating employment discrimination and perfection of workplace as the main feature; and the potentiality development stage with the extension of freedom and the tapping of potential as the main feature. The article holds that the development trend of American governments future employment policy of the handicapped will be a further extension of the employment right of the handicapped, the creation of a better social environment and workplace environment, and a greater tap of the creative potential of handicapped human resource.

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